The invention provides a method for laying refractories of a srr'telting reduction vessel, comprising casting of permanent .lining of the surelting reduction vessel, laying of bottom lining of the smelt-ing reducliorr r,essel, laying of a sip}on tapping fumace, laying of working lining of a
vessel bottonr and a side wall, and casting ofa slag zone and a coal gas chamber of the smelting reduction vessel. The invention develops a laying method combining integral
casting rvith layered laying forming for the smelting reduction vessel, in which integral casting fomring is adopted for pennanent lining, and step-by-step multi-layer laying is adopted for vessel
bottom lining.Tvorking lining and other parts to rneet the high iemperature and high
pressure environnrent requirements of the smelting process, thus minimising the corrosion
of slag to the vessel Iining, ensuring that the vessel'lining has good corrosion resistance
and thermal shock resistance. adapting to the corosion of high FeO slag to refractories, and maintaining high mechanicaI properties and corrosion rdsistance. In addition, the smelting reduction vessel laid by the medrod has three levels of safety protcction measures. which greatly
improves thc safety of the smclting rcduction vessel in the extremely high intcnsity
smelting environmcnt and ensures the safety of personnel and equipment.